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John Carter Final, Links, Requirements

Choose a piece of popular media, like Star Wars, and analyze 15 moments from the works where physics concepts are used/abused.

Analyze these moments for validity, plausibility, and mathematically say something about them.

For example, when Yoda raises Luke’s X-Wing from the swamp in Empire Strikes Back, how much energy must Yoda have used to accomplish the feat?

You must show your math, in other words, don’t just slap answers on a piece of paper. The interesting part is how you got those answers, and what assumptions you had to make about some of the silly situations characters find themselves in.

Your math must be typeset. Use this website.

If you need to capture video, use screencast-o-matic. You’ll need to allow Java applets to run on your computer.

You may turn in a paper, video with slides, video commentary, or get another format approved with Mr. Cornally.

This project is due January 7th. Not before and not after. You will present your best moment to the class.

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